We went so I could go listen to Beverly Bradley and decided to make a few pit stops on the way.
First we got up early Friday, made breakfast and lunch to go and got on the road. First stop (besides tt breaks that is) was The Alamo in SA, we ate our lunch in a lovely pay to park lot :) and got right on over to visit Davy Crockett's last place of residence. They all had a great time and, while I did not get many pictures (I had a pounding headache from ingesting some form of gluten at some point) - I did get this one of Jack....
Then it was off to the seminar for me (in SA) and Will and the kids went to our good friends the Watje's in New Braunfels. I rode home from the seminar with Mrs. Watje and we spent the night with them. The next morning it was up, a quick breakfast at the Watje's house (they were already gone) and off to Austin to visit Will's parents for a bit. We had a wonderful lunch with them and took this adorable picture of the Lil Mom-Mom and the Great-Grand kids (and the one big grand kid too).
then off to SA again to drop me off at the seminar for that night. Back with Mrs. Watje to her house and spent another night. Up the next morning and they cooked us a wonderful breakfast and we were on our way..
We knew it was time to stop and have our lunch when we saw Jay trying to ingest his feet....
so we stopped at a roadside picnic place and had some leftover subs, kale chips, almond dip and apples. Back on the road and home to the animals!
Whew!!! I have needed a nap the last two days!!