My Many Blessings....
A quick note from "Beverly's Brain..." - as I lay on the couch today listening to my girls read books - I kept thinking about all I needed to get done. For the most part "stuff" on the computer. I layed there and looked at the beautiful Magnolia tree blowing in the wind and thought on the Greatness of God. It crossed my mind during this time that I don't think on Him quite enough. I also don't spend enough time with the Blessings He has given me - I know you are thinking "But you are home all day! How can you not be with them enough? - let me tell ya, it is a constant battle to be a "homemaker" when there is so much to divert your time! A bit later as I nursed Jack and looked at the gorgeous Cardinal out my window (I really like this window!) I thought about all the "noise" in this world. You cannot even go to the grocery store for goodness sakes without a TV in your face! They are hanging in the aisle now!
Anyway - I thought on the fact that there is so much noise now - when do we really have a chance to think on the Greatness of God. I mean really think on Him- not just put Him on our "schedule" of things to do. I know I am guilty of scheduling "Bible Study" every morning - what is the first thing to go if we are in a hurry? What if God wants to say something to me - will I hear it if it is not that allotted time? Does all the noise just push out that little voice?
Well onto the reason I am writing (I am getting there!). That little voice told me today that my babies are growing up so fast and at times they are "Internet Orphans". I see it in their poor little faces when they come into the office and see mommy on the computer again - "Mommy are you almost done?" and "Mommy, would you please come play with us know" are heard often. So this is a quick (turning into a not so quick) post to tell you that (really this time) I will not be on this computer as much. I will send an email when I post a picture or new thing on the blog. I know, I know you will say I am "impossible" to get ahold of (some do now...) as I will not be answering email as often. This is your fair warning - if you have something time sensitive or important - CALL ME. I know, I know, I don't answer the phone much - CALL WILL. I turn the phone off sometimes during the day when we have some serious school to do or we are napping, sometimes I forget to even turn it back on - call Will, he always has his electronic leash. Please do not get grumpy with me if I do not return email ASAP - I might not have gotten it yet.
Ok - I think that is all. I posted the latest picture above and I have some beautiful baby shower pictures to post, but that will have to wait. I am busy being a helpmeet and a mommy! I want to get old and rejoice in all the time I spent investing in these little eternal beings. I don't think I will be ever so happy that I got all that email answered in a timely manner. What a time robber - I wonder if these things are meant to rob us of this precious time with our family and ultimately with our God. Radio, TV, internet..... what could we be doing instead. We have already turned down the radio and shut off the TV here, but the Internet is loud and clear - no more.
Hope to see everyone soon - will chat with ya when I can!
So you don't feel too put out - I have been boxing up pictures for about a year now - someday I will get around to scrap booking too! For now, in the box they go (date stamped)!
One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)--I Timothy 3:4, 5
1 comment:
I found your blog as a link from another blog. It's been too long! Your family is just beautiful.
Thanks for the reminder not to allow my little one to be an internet orphan (or any other kind, for that matter)!
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