The Boytim Bunch

The Boytim Bunch

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Boys Birthday - LONG!

Making Daddys' birthday cake

with his favorite - a steaming cup of coffee (oh yea, he quit coffee, so it is a steaming cup of tea)

making Cards' birthday cake - Card had Ezra over for his birthday and Katie got to invite Hannah to keep her company

birthday boy

Katie and Hannah went all out

Dad was over for Cards' birthday too

Bella telling Papa a secret
One of Cards gifts from Papa was Grandpa Kings coon hunting trophy.
Card also got a steel trap for his birthday and has had a great time trapping.

the next day the boys helped me put hole in these free cups I got at the resale shop - we used them as planters for starts

the kids playing in the loft. From left to right:
Ezra, Card, Bella, Hannah, Katie and Jack


Jack ( see that "look" in his eye?)



Jacks birthday dinner - all he ate were the sardines.

Katie made Jack Almond Butter Bars for his cake.

the big 3!

1 comment:

Johanna Nimmons said...