The Boytim Bunch

The Boytim Bunch

Friday, April 29, 2011

Learning my Camera

Since having a little "class" on Sunday with Lacie Verret, I have ventured out to learn how to use my camera in manual mode. I did pretty well with my still film camera, but could not make out a lot of the language in the digital book and the camera has so many darn "modes" and buttons - I was a bit afraid of going off autopilot.

So, while I am still in auto focus mode for most of these pictures, I have ventured out to picking the ISO and WB... some good, some not so good...

Jack showing me his peach juice covered hand

Card and Daddy working on the wall - this is another step towards our front porch being done! YES!!!
It is so wonderful having handy men around the house!

One of the not so good...

Jack and Jay loved playing in the extra dirt daddy brought down

Something was off here too - not sure what, it just seems too bright..

The color on this one was better

Another Katie picture - I did not take it, so I know she must have. Yes, the glass in our door has fingerprints - someday it won't and I will wish it still did :)

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