The Boytim Bunch

The Boytim Bunch

Friday, May 06, 2011

As you can see....

This little Boytim Bundle is waiting longer than any other! Katie and I took the little ones "up the driveway" today to ride bikes, play soccer, monkey in the middle - all that necessary baby stuff. I played all the games with them and Katie even hit the baby belly with the soccer ball (accidentally) - and still nothing :)
We have an ultrasound appointment tomorrow - will make sure baby is still doing well at 42+ weeks :)
Meanwhile - here are some pictures myself, Katie and Card took (since that baby belly WILL be gone someday...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look so awesome Beverly! Baby B will be here someday very soon!

Totally off the subject - how many emails would you say you get per day?