The Boytim Bunch

The Boytim Bunch

Monday, May 02, 2011

For those wondering?


Unknown said...

ROFL!!!! hang in there!

Room for More said...

YOu are going to beat me. The earliest I delivered was 41w3days and the longest 42w1day. Love you!!!

Paula Stringer said...

no nice~ miss you guys! love getting letters from MY KATIE! WILL ALWAYS BE MY KATIE! FOREVER AND EVER! Mrs, Paula

Anonymous said...

I loved Katie's piano piece! Absolutely loved it! She has got to write it down. Have her piano teacher compose it onto paper. There are many kid friendly publications that she can also enter her composition into and possibly win some kind of medal. I loved it. Yeah Katie! Thank you for the recital! Mrs. Stringer
To God be the glory!